Design-ism is a game company that creates a system of fun learning games based on different art and design movements. Design-ism creates design centered games for designers and artists ages 14 and up. Their games will be sold at different art museum gift shops, and on their website.
The goal of Design-ism is to highlight key elements of art & design movements. By finding important aspects that define these movements, we are able to create games that aspire to teach these concepts to our users through gameplay. Design-ism create different games for different design styles and movements, and the colors of each box correlates to each version of the game. The game elements also change with game version to fit the main aspects of that design style or movement.
The game can be played with two groups of 2, two groups of 3, or three groups of 2.
Once players are put into teams, one person will take on the role as the designer and other will become the guesser. The designer will pick up the designer prompt list and the guesser will pick up the coordinating prompt list. The designer will roll the number die, and that will decide what word the designer will be creating. The guesser will hold on to their card for the entire game so they have a list of words to use for guessing later in the game. The designer will then pick up one of each element card. In the international style game, which is presented above, includes the color, shape, and grid element cards. After all the designers collect one of each card, they will roll the two element dice and collect one matching cards. After that the designers have the option to discard a card that they do not want and pick up a new card. They the guessers each then pick up a wild card. After they look at the wild card they picked up, they can give the wild card they their partner or to the other team depending on whether or not they think the card will help their designer or put the other team at a disadvantage. After the wild cards are given to the designers, they are then able to collect the element pieces that match the elements on the cards they have in their hand. The timer will then begin, and the designers have to create their composition before the timer runs out.
Once players are put into teams, one person will take on the role as the designer and other will become the guesser. The designer will pick up the designer prompt list and the guesser will pick up the coordinating prompt list. The designer will roll the number die, and that will decide what word the designer will be creating. The guesser will hold on to their card for the entire game so they have a list of words to use for guessing later in the game. The designer will then pick up one of each element card. In the international style game, which is presented above, includes the color, shape, and grid element cards. After all the designers collect one of each card, they will roll the two element dice and collect one matching cards. After that the designers have the option to discard a card that they do not want and pick up a new card. They the guessers each then pick up a wild card. After they look at the wild card they picked up, they can give the wild card they their partner or to the other team depending on whether or not they think the card will help their designer or put the other team at a disadvantage. After the wild cards are given to the designers, they are then able to collect the element pieces that match the elements on the cards they have in their hand. The timer will then begin, and the designers have to create their composition before the timer runs out.
After the timer runs out, the guesser are then able to use their word list and guess what word the composition is conveying. The first guesser to guess correctly wins that round. After the round is over, the designers switch roles with the guessers. The game will continue until a team reaches 5 points.
For Design-ism I took lead on production. I designed and build the game box, card trays, and dice. Along with the creating the branding guides for Design-ism and the Swiss edition of the game. I am so thankful to work with Ashlynn Whitmire, Rory Murphy, and Emeli Bagwell on this game.